Becoming a Friend of Castello di Rivoli means participating in a major cultural workshop. The association of Friends of the Castello helps to make the Museum grow, sharing its aims and helping it to maintain an active dialogue with the public.
Anyone can become a Friend of the Castello: new registration forms are available, aimed above all at those exploring contemporary art for the first time, at the young, families, teachers, associations, companies and their employees.
Another novelty concerns the Scholarship for Young Italian Artists. The project aims to provide support for new talent, and was founded and is developed thanks to the financing from Supporting Friends. Apart from the Supporters, anyone can contribute directly, thereby supporting young Italian art in an active manner.
FRIEND euros 250
This formula is aimed at the young, at families, teachers and those who wish to take part in the life of the Museum and contribute to its cultural project.
free entry to the Castello di Rivoli;
free entry to all partner museums (List of partner museums);
invitation to the inauguration of exhibitions and collateral events organised by the Museum;
invitation to events organised exclusively for children;
free participation for families in dedicated activities organised by the Education Department;
10% discount at the Castello di Rivoli bookshop and in the bookshops of partner museums;
5 free tickets for Friends’ guests during the course of the year.
This formula is aimed at enthusiasts who see contemporary art as a means to personal development and the betterment of society.
free entry to the Castello di Rivoli;
free entry to all partner museums (List of partner museums);
invitation to the inauguration of exhibitions and collateral events organised by the Museum;
free participation and reserved places during guided visits, congresses, conferences and courses of contemporary art organised by the Museum;
10% discount at the Castello di Rivoli bookshop and in the bookshops of partner museums;
10 free tickets for Friends’ guests during the course of the year.
the possibility of taking part in voyages organised by the Museum to visit contemporary art institutions, artists’ studios and private collections in Italy and abroad in the company of experts from the museums sector;
15% discount in renting Museum spaces for events and congresses;
free delivery of catalogues published by the Museum and of all printed information.
This formula is aimed at those who wish to contribute directly on the cultural development of the Museum, participating in its experimental and research activities, including the Scholarship for Young Italian Artists.
free entry to the Castello di Rivoli;
free entry to all partner museums (List of partner museums);
invitation to the inauguration of exhibitions and collateral events organised by the Museum;
free participation and reserved places during guided visits, congresses, conferences and courses of contemporary art organised by the Museum;
10% discount at the Castello di Rivoli bookshop and in the bookshops of partner museums;
20 free tickets for Friends’ guests during the course of the year.
the possibility of taking part in voyages organised by the Museum to visit contemporary art institutions, artists’ studios and private collections in Italy and abroad in the company of experts from the museums sector;
50% discount in renting Museum spaces for events and congresses;
free delivery of catalogues published by the Museum and of all printed information;
part of the subscription goes to support the Scholarship for Young Italian Artists.
The list of supports is included in the colophon of catalogues and on a plaque on display at the entrance to the Museum, except for those who opt to remain anonymous.
COMPANIES from euros 1,500
This formula is aimed at companies wishing to find occasions for a direct and active contact with contemporary culture through the Museum.
The Museum can offer specific opportunities for meetings, exchanges and cultural development through activities, workshops and training days. The benefits are agreed with the Museum in order to respond to specific requirements. The registration cost depends on the type of activity.
The list of companies is included in the colophon of catalogues and on a plaque on display at the entrance to the Museum, except for those opting to remain anonymous.
Scholarship for Young Italian Artists
The idea for the project comes from the Supporting Friends of the Castello, who in collaboration with the museum itself wished to actively promote the spread of Italian art, rewarding the work and commitment of an artist chosen every year from a range of candidates. The Scholarship aims to provide material support to enable the artist to measure himself against a new reality and attain a situation facilitating the development and spread of his work. In order to assure a greater expressive freedom, the Scholarship is planned as a mobile platform able to adapt and travel at the same speed as the artist’s ideas. All that is requested of candidates, selected upon invitation, is to present a project representing an important moment in the development and experimentation of their research.
To date, the winners include: Grazia Toderi (2001), Alessandra Tesi (2002), Margherita Manzelli (2003), Lara Favaretto (2004), Gianni Caravaggio (2005), Christian Frosi (2007), Alice Guareschi (2008), Massimo Grimaldi (2009), Marinella Senatore (2013).
From today, there are two ways to assist in financing the Scholarship for Young Italian Artists: as a Supporting Friend, or with an additional contribution of euros 1,500 for those joining the Castello in the categories of Castello di Rivoli Card or Ordinary Friend.
Agreements with other Museums
Free entry and 10% discount in the bookshops of the museums listed below
■ Fondazione Merz, Turin
■ Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin
■ Fondazione Torino Musei (Gam, Palazzo Madama, Borgo Medioevale and Mao)
■ GAMeC, Bergamo
■ Gesellschaft der Freunde der Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, comprising the following museums:
Alte Nationalgalerie, Berlin; Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin; Hamburger Bahnof, Berlin; Sammlung Berggruen, Berlin; K20 Kunstsammlung NRW, Dusseldorg; Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt; Kestner Gesellschaft, Hanover; Wallraf Richartz Museum, Köln; Museum Ludwig, Köln; Musem der Bildenden Kunste, Leipzig; Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, Stuttgart.
■ Guggenheim Venezia, Venice
■ Macro, Rome
■ Mambo, comprising the following museums: Mambo, Casa Morandi, Museo Morandi, Villa delle Rose, Museo della memoria di Ustica
■ Mart, Rome
■ MAXXI, Rome
■ Musée National d’Art Moderne, Centre Pompidou, Paris
■ Museo Pecci, Prato
■ Museo Serralves, Porto
■ Palais de Tokyo, Paris