The Veil Room already Apartment of the dukes of Aosta, known as the bath, Cabinet for the bookcase, Cabinet of entertainment, Cabinet of gauzes.
Little room of the apartment of the duchess of Aosta, its name comes from the the blue vault decorated with a fresco reproducing a veil , made by the Torricelli brothers. A The decoration that runs immediately under is very refines, and that it introduces precious themes as necklaces of pearls alternated to ears. All walls where covered by a paper of silver blue striped color today completely disappeared, supplied, like the others of the Castle, from the Turinese bookseller Carlo Maria Toscanelli in 1794. From the sources it was previewed to arrange in this atmosphere “four chairs , two taboretti, and also a bed following the Turkish fashion”, even if “it will not be too much practicable for being the space very narrow”. In 2004 it has been replaced one of the two fanlights work of Antonio and Giovanni Torricelli, representing the Three Graces, while the other represents Bacchus and Ariadne has disappeared.
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A veil for the fresco
Regardin this room, also defined the room of “entertainment” of the Duchessa of Aosta or also “Cabinet of the Gauzes” there are two curiosities supported from documents of the archives inherent to the payments, the first regards the refined veil that characterizes the vault and that, has been painted starting from “gauze handkerchiefs and n.9 of English gauze of various qualities”, acquired from the merchant Sorelli and Marentin for a total of 39 Liras “as they can be used as model in paintings, that they are executing in the vault of a cabinet of the apartment of prefacer H.R.H., in R. Castle of Rivoli”. The other curiosity regards the furniture, destined to being used after “Cabinet of bookcase” of which a furniture list exists “to provide itself for the Real Castle of Rivoli” with much probability which drafted for the Duchess of Aosta, much careful to the decoration of the apartments. In this atmosphere it has been previewed to place four “cadreghe”, two “taboretti” and also a “Turk bed ”, but in the list ithas been stresses that that the space “will not be too much practicable for being narrow ”. Unfortunately we do not know quite a lot regarding the real state of the furniture, in a chronological document list of 1846, furnitures are not cited, but the room is called the bath, the use, in fact, totally has changed.